Aburi a gem hidden in the Mountains

Picture of Gati Jesse

Gati Jesse

Published on June 15, 2024

Nestled in the serene Akuapim South Municipal District of Ghana’s Eastern Region , Aburi is a town that effortlessly marries history, culture, and natural beauty. Known for its lush landscapes, educational institutions, and vibrant markets, offers an unforgettable travel experience. This guide will delve into what makes it a must-visit destination, from its famous botanical gardens to its rich cultural heritage.


Established by British residents in 1891, the Aburi Botanical Gardens span over 40 hectares, offering a sanctuary of exotic plants and historical significance. Initially developed for agricultural research, the gardens played a crucial role in experimenting with crops like cocoa, rubber, and kola. Today, visitors can explore over 350 plant species, making it a paradise for nature enthusiasts and history buffs alike.


Aburi is synonymous with the Odwira Festival, a cultural extravaganza that celebrates the heritage and unity of the Akuapim people. This annual event features traditional music, dance, and rituals, providing visitors with a deep dive into Ghanaian culture. It’s a perfect time to visit if you want to experience the local traditions up close and personal.

For those with an eye for craftsmanship, the Abude wood market is a treasure trove of intricate woodwork. Renowned across Africa, the market’s artisans create masterpieces that often find their way to international destinations like South Africa, where they captivate tourists. From sculptures to furniture, the market is a testament to the exceptional skill of Aburi’s craftsmen.


Educational Hub

Aburi is home to several prestigious educational institutions, making it a center of learning and development.

Key Institutions:

Aburi Presbyterian Technical Secondary School: Linked to The Sixth Form College, Farnborough in England.

Aburi Girls’ Senior High School: A notable institution started by the Presbyterian Church.

Great Adonten Senior High School: Another prominent educational establishment in the town.

Presbyterian Women’s College of Education (PWTC): Offers post-secondary education and training for future educators.

The name “Aburi” itself is an anglicized version of “Abude,” altered by European missionaries and traders. The town’s strategic location in the mountains near Ghana’s coast made it an ideal spot for early agricultural research. The British-established research farm was pivotal in developing field-building opportunities and enhancing Ghana’s financial independence through agricultural advancements.


Pcc: cyruswiredu

It is easily accessible from Accra, Ghana’s capital, located just an hour’s drive away.

The scenic journey through the mountains offers breathtaking views and a refreshing escape from the city bustle.

While Aburi is beautiful year-round, visiting during the Odwira Festival in September will give you a unique cultural experience. The botanical gardens are also a great spot to visit anytime, especially during the cooler months from June to September.


There are several guesthouses and lodges in Abude that offer comfortable accommodations, blending modern amenities with a touch of local charm.

Local Cuisine:

Don’t miss the chance to indulge in local delicacies like fufu, banku, and fresh tropical fruits, which are readily available in Aburi’s markets and restaurants.

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