Bullet and Wendy Shay Close to Resolution

Picture of Gati Jesse

Gati Jesse

Published on June 11, 2024

In an unexpected change of events, the longstanding feud between Bullet, the CEO of Rufftown Records, and his top performer Wendy Shay is reaching a conclusion.

Ricky Nana Agyemang, also known as Bullet, has announced that great progress has been made in resolving their disputes and getting a new deal for Wendy Shay.

Speaking in a revealing interview on UTV over the weekend, Bullet shared that he has had productive discussions with Wendy Shay, her mother, and her godfather, Kwesi Ernest. “We have discussed the issue, I have talked with Wendy Shay herself, her mother, and Kwesi Ernest.


As of now, by God’s Grace, we are about 90 percent done with the contract, and we are looking forward to our next step,” Bullet stated.

This news brings relief to fans who were concerned about the future of one of Ghana’s leading musical talents.

The rift became public last month when Wendy Shay hinted at her potential departure from Rufftown Records on her social media.

She took to X (formerly Twitter) to announce that her new music video would not be released under Rufftown Records. Adding fuel to the fire, she launched a new YouTube channel to host her music videos, sparking widespread speculation about her exit from the label.

Wendy Shay’s contract with Rufftown Records was known to be nearing its end, and she revealed that she was considering an offer from an American label.

This disclosure intensified the rumors of her departure and highlighted the contractual disagreements she had with Bullet. In a candid interview, Bullet acknowledged these issues, emphasizing that they were not mere publicity stunts. “It was not a publicity stunt; what would have been the use of it to the label if it was a stunt? You don’t use stunts to promote projects; you use money to promote them,” he noted.

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