Jamaican Superstar Hempress Sativa Touches Down in Ghana

Picture of Gati Jesse

Gati Jesse

Published on June 14, 2024

Ghana is buzzing with excitement as Jamaican reggae sensation Hempress Sativa arrives in the country, marking a significant moment in the cultural exchange between Jamaica and Ghana. Kerida Shushana Johnson, known professionally as Hempress Sativa, has long been a prominent figure in the reggae world, celebrated for her distinctive blend of roots reggae, hip hop, afrobeats, and R&B.

She visits the Eastern region of Ghana, Adweso Market, and Aburi.

Hempress Sativa

Born on July 15, 1984, Hempress Sativa has carved out a unique niche in the contemporary reggae scene. Her music resonates deeply with the roots reggae tradition, while also incorporating elements from diverse genres like hip hop, afrobeats, and R&B. Over the years, she has graced the stages of some of the world’s most prestigious reggae festivals, including Reggae Geel, Rototom Sunsplash, Reggae on the River, Red Bull Sound Select, Rebel Salute, Dallas Reggae Festival, Austin Reggae Festival, Beloved Festival, Viña Rock, Sierra Nevada World Music Festival, and Reggae Sumfest.

Hempress Sativa’s visit to Ghana is more than just a tour stop; it is a deeply personal journey to connect with her African heritage. The reggae superstar has expressed her eagerness to explore Ghana’s rich cultural landscape and to build bridges between Jamaican and Ghanaian music traditions. This visit symbolizes a homecoming of sorts, where Hempress Sativa will immerse herself in the local culture, history, and music.

One of the most exciting aspects of Hempress Sativa’s visit is the potential for musical collaborations with Ghanaian artists. She has hinted at working on future projects with some of Ghana’s finest musicians, aiming to create a fusion of reggae and afrobeats that will undoubtedly captivate audiences worldwide. Fans can look forward to unique collaborations that blend the rhythmic soul of reggae with the vibrant energy of afrobeats.

Ghana has created a friendly atmosphere for Hempress Sativa, greeting her with open arms.



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