Kuami Eugene Grateful for Support Following Accident

Picture of Gati Jesse

Gati Jesse

Published on March 28, 2024

Ghanaian musician Kuami Eugene has broken his silence following his recent accident, offering heartfelt gratitude to those who have supported him during this challenging time. In a post shared on his Instagram page on Friday, March 28th, the singer expressed appreciation for the outpouring of prayers and well-wishes he has received since the incident.

“Thank you to God, my family, the staff of UGMC, and all of you for your prayers, your positive thoughts, and your acts of kindness,” Kuami Eugene wrote in his post. “The support and love that I received have been breathtaking and beyond my expectations.”

Accompanying the message was a photo of the musician in the hospital, where he appeared to be in good spirits despite being in a cast, presumably due to a broken hand. Despite the setback, Kuami Eugene was pictured making music from his hospital bed, a testament to his resilience and dedication to his craft.

The accident occurred on Sunday, March 17, near the DSTV office towards the Dzorwulu traffic light in Accra. Eyewitnesses, including Modern Ghana news portal editor Emmanuel Ajarfor Abugri, revealed that Kuami Eugene’s car collided with a tipper truck from behind, resulting in the accident.

Kuami Eugene
Source: MyJoyonlinenews


Abugri, who was at the scene, highlighted the poor visibility on the N1 highway due to a lack of street lights and the absence of a tail light on the tipper truck as contributing factors to the accident. Fortunately, Kuami Eugene’s cautious driving prevented a more serious outcome.

Following the accident, false information regarding Kuami Eugene’s health status began circulating on social media. A supposed doctor named Amina Haarun claimed that the singer’s condition was dire, sparking panic among fans. However, the Vice President of the Ghana Medical Association, Prof. Ernest Yorke, clarified that Amina Haarun is not a registered medical doctor and her claims are unfounded.

Kuami Eugene

“We did not find any Dr. Amina Haarun on the record of the University of Ghana Medical School where Kuami Eugene was hospitalized,” Prof. Yorke stated. “She belongs to none of these institutions, and therefore we can say she is not a medical doctor.”

In light of these developments, Kuami Eugene’s fans can rest assured that he is receiving proper medical care and is on the road to recovery. As he continues his healing journey, the outpouring of love and support from fans and well-wishers serves as a source of strength and inspiration.


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