Madam Vincentia Fatia Ahedemla was born in 1958 to madam Afi Afasi Dugbaza and Mr Tsidi Ahedemla all of Mepe and are of blessed memory.
The late madam Vincentia Fatia Ahedemla was raised by her untie Hlormenyo Dugbaza at Mepe Yorve of blessed memory.
Madam Vincentia Fatia Ahedemla started schooling at Mepe Roman Catholic primary school and completed her elementary education in the year 1978.
Madam Fati as we affectionately call her was very good in sports and played netball up to the regional level and also won some awards for her school.
Madam Fati also loved to sing and was one time a member of st Martin de pores catholic church choir. She was baptized and had her confirmation in the same church.
Fati was married to Mr Emmanuel Bokor of blessed memory from Mepe Dzoxonu with three children; all boys.
Fatia was a trader at Adabraka market till her faithful day.
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