The ever-charismatic Mike Akox, affectionately known as “The Showman,” once again stole the spotlight, this time at the Australia Day dinner/reception hosted by the Australian High Commission in Ghana. Held yesterday, the prestigious event brought together renowned personalities from the entertainment industry, media space, and diplomatic circles for a night of celebration, cultural exchange, and camaraderie.
Mike Akox expressed his heartfelt gratitude for being invited to such a special occasion, sharing, “Honored to be invited to the Australia Day reception by the Australian High Commission! As a musician who has drawn inspiration from both Ghana and Australia, this celebration holds a special place in my heart. A big thank you to the Australian High Commission in Ghana for this incredible opportunity.”
Adding a light-hearted yet powerful moment to the evening, Mike Akox was seen sharing a lively conversation with the Australian High Commissioner, Bernice Owen-Jones. In a fun twist, the High Commissioner even joined Mike in striking his signature “Showman Ragga” pose, a moment that quickly became a highlight of the night.
Their discussion touched on how living in Australia profoundly influenced Mike’s artistry, providing him with a unique perspective and helping him develop his distinctive sound.
The Australia Day reception was a star-studded affair, graced by some of Ghana’s most prominent personalities in entertainment and media. Among the notable attendees were the legendary musician and acting MUSIGA president Bessa Simons, and Ghana’s “Mr. Tourism,” Abieku Santana, who also engaged in lively chats with Mike Akox.
The event offered a platform for networking, cultural exchange, and celebrating the ties between Ghana and Australia, with guests treated to an unforgettable night of music, laughter, and inspiration.
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