Miss Sitso Dance Allows Me To Express

Picture of Gati Jesse

Gati Jesse

Published on February 11, 2023

Miss Sitso  is a talented dancer who is in her early twenties.

Gloria Sitsope Ahlija is her real name, and she is a native of Ghana’s Volta region. An Alumina of the prestigious University of Ghana, Legon and  earned a Bsc Degree In Fine Art.

My dance training began in college, and as a result, my desire for it as a career route blossomed. 

Miss Sitso

I now have a voice that is louder than what words can say thanks to dance. 

When I dance, I can better express myself. 

My interests in dance are traditional Ghanaian dance, Afropop, contemporary African dance, and contemporary Afroc dance.

I’m a featherer at the University of Michigan right now. 

 Germaine Acorgny inspires me, because she presents African dance as a practical resource,

She is also motivational because she is regarded as the founder of contemporary African dance.

Following her on Instagram for inspiration in Dancehttps://instagram.com/sitso_xx_?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y


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