JamRok Bar Sues Mr Drew Over Abrupt Cancellation of Easter Dance Party Performance

Picture of Gati Jesse

Gati Jesse

Published on April 18, 2024

Ghanaian musician Mr Drew finds himself entangled in a legal battle with JamRok Bar and Event Centre following allegations of breach of contract. The popular establishment has filed a lawsuit against the artist, claiming that he failed to fulfill his commitment to perform at their highly anticipated Easter Dance Party, leaving organizers and fans disappointed and seeking answers.

According to a statement obtained by GhanaWeekend, JamRok Bar asserts that Mr Drew accepted half of his performance fee in advance but abruptly cancelled his appearance at the last minute, leaving organizers scrambling to salvage the event. Despite receiving payment and even recording a video confirming his participation, Mr Drew allegedly failed to show up for the scheduled performance, prompting outrage among event attendees and organizers alike.


On the day of the event, Mr Drew and his team reportedly arrived at their hotel in Asuogyaman around 3 pm, seemingly prepared for the performance ahead. However, when attempts were made to contact the artist later that evening for his scheduled appearance, he and his team were found asleep at the hotel. After being awakened, Mr Drew and his entourage departed without explanation, allegedly bypassing the event venue and returning to Accra.

In response to the alleged breach of contract, JamRok Bar has taken decisive legal action, filing a writ of summons on April 15 seeking various forms of restitution. The establishment is demanding the refund of Mr Drew’s performance fee, reimbursement for event-related expenses incurred as a result of the cancellation, and substantial compensation for the reputational damage caused by the artist’s absence.

Amidst the legal turmoil, Mr Drew, known in real life as Andrew Nii Commey Otoo, continues to make waves in the music industry with his latest release, “Sneaky.” Despite the controversy surrounding his canceled performance, the artist remains dedicated to his craft, delivering captivating Afrobeats tunes that resonate with audiences far and wide.

As the legal proceedings unfold, the music community awaits further developments in this unfolding saga. With both parties firmly entrenched in their positions, the outcome of the lawsuit will undoubtedly have far-reaching implications for the future of artist-venue relations within the entertainment industry. In the meantime, fans can only hope for an amicable resolution that prioritizes fairness and accountability on all fronts.

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