We Need Ayew & Wakaso In The Team Urgently

Picture of Gati Jesse

Gati Jesse

Published on October 20, 2023

The Call for Ayew & wakaso Return to the Black Stars

Fans and football enthusiasts are uniting behind the call for Ayew & Wakaso to rejoin the Black Stars, the senior national team.
The voices of these fans echo with conviction, believing that the inclusion of these seasoned players will breathe new life into the squad, leading to victories and national pride.

This call for the return of Ayew & Wakaso gained momentum following the Black Stars’ recent friendly matches against the USA and Mexico, which left fans disheartened with the team’s performance. The team’s performance disappointed some fans, who said, quote, “They’re playing the game without love and passion.”

Ayew & Wakaso

Ghana, a nation with a rich footballing history, has high expectations for its national team, and anything less than success is met with fervent demands for improvement.

Charles Taylor, expressed the sentiments of many when he declared, “Andre Ayew should always be part of the Black Stars, whether he has a club or not, and we need Wakaso back in the team urgently.

His statements demonstrate his steadfast conviction that these two players have the abilities and background necessary to lead the Black Stars to new heights.

Andre Ayew, the talismanic forward, has been a pillar of strength for the Black Stars over the years. His dedication, leadership, and knack for scoring crucial goals have earned him a special place in the hearts of Ghanaian football enthusiasts. Even during his club hiatus, his presence and influence on the national team are undeniable.

Ayew & Wakaso
Ayew & Wakaso


Mubarak Wakaso, the midfield dynamo, is another player cherished by fans for his relentless work ethic and ability to control the tempo of the game. His grit and determination have been sorely missed in the Black Stars’ midfield, leaving a void that fans believe only he can fill.

The argument for their return is not solely based on nostalgia but on the need for a resurgence in the team’s fortunes. The recent friendly matches against formidable opponents served as a stark reminder that the Black Stars need players like Wakaso & Ayew to thrive on the international stage.

Their experience, leadership, and proven track record in top-level competitions can provide the much-needed stability that has been lacking. In an era where Ghanaian football is undergoing a transformation with young talents emerging, the guidance and mentorship of seasoned veterans like Ayew & Wakaso become invaluable assets.

The fervor of Ghanaians for the return of Ayew and Wakaso to the Black Stars is more than just a cry for nostalgia. It’s a plea for experience, leadership, and the unwavering dedication that these two players have exhibited throughout their careers. Their inclusion may be the catalyst needed for the Black Stars to regain their winning ways and, once again, make their nation proud on the international stage. The question that lingers now is whether their voices will be heard, and whether these two stars will shine once more in the Black Stars’ constellation.


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